Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Another in a series of horizontal city paintings.  I started Post(working title) last week and I'm pushing to have it completed for a delivery up to the gallery this Saturday - fingers crossed.  It's a dynamic piece with a few quirks.  Well namely the fire hydrant.  I debated about painting it out, but decided that if I did the work would loose some authenticity.  I like the fact that it has as much importance as the people within the painting in retrospect.  I am however debating on keeping the police vehicle and trash can on the far right.  I can't decide if those elements frame the piece or distract the viewer's eye.  For the moment I will continue working and make a decision later.  There are times that problems work themselves out on their own.

I have put the night works to the side for the moment.  I have found that the last three day works prior to Post have set up quickly with a sense of urgency and immediacy.  I think of painting a little like surfing.  When the tide is in you surf and your style or mode of surfing depends on the kind of waves you have to work with.  Right now daytime/busy sidewalks are my waves tomorrow's tide my offer something completely different.  Back to surfing. 

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