Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hammering Through

Hammering through another week's worth of paintings.  Above (working titles only) Gino Carlo and Grocery Mart. Both works have extreme perspectives. I'm a touch concerned about how fish-eyed Grocery Mart is perspective wise, but at the same time I like it.  It's one of those places where just, because it's a bit different there isn't really any call to stop and do something else. Besides doing art isn't about being comfortable. It's a perspective used in comic books from time to time and by photographers using a fisheye lens. It also captures one of those awkward life moments where the figure is rummaging through her purse from something, but can't seem to find it. It's  a question if she's waiting for someone or looking for her wallet before she goes in.

Gino Carlo on the other hand is just an extreme point of view without the fisheye effect. It has it's own set of challenges. The victorian features of the building at this extreme perspective are very challenging to capture. I would have liked to been able to collage my photos of the building together in photoshop prior to starting this piece, but the perspectives of the photos varied greatly.  I picked the photo with my favorite angle and I've just gone for it referencing all five to seven shots.

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